Saturday, May 6, 2023: Putting a memorable stamp on the second post-pandemic iteration of an annual springtime tradition sent to the cooler durng 2020/2021’s COVID lockdown, donkeys of distinction gathered en masse at a Chelsea watering hole to hurl laurels at the three lions who served as the event’s main (mane?) attraction. In other words, members […]
“First and foremost, he really cares,” said New York City Council Member Erik Bottcher, when asked why he chose Carl Wilson to become his new Chief of Staff. “He cares deeply about the community and the people who live in it—and that always needs to be a person’s North Star when they’re in public service. […]
BY MICHAEL MUSTO | In 1940s movies starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, there’s usually a moment when someone exclaims, “Hey, kids, let’s put on a show! Daddy’ll let us use the barn!” That was sort of the feeling around the creation of my Motown revival band, the Must. Truth be told, I was coming […]
UPDATED June 1, 2023: A memorial service for Zazel Loven will take place at 11am on Saturday, June 17, at the Church of St. Luke in the Fields (487 Hudson St. btw. Christopher & Barrow Sts.), with a gathering immediately afterward. The outpouring of respect, admiration, and, yes, love that followed the recent passing of Zazel Loven represents—as […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The New York City Department of Parks & Recreation (Parks) has confirmed that an area of West Chelsea howling for a place to put pooches through their paces will soon see a dog run find its Forever Home. After months of hearing pro and con testimony from the public, a letter […]
Transportation Planning Committee (TPC): Wednesday, May 17, 6:30pm | There will be a presentation and vote on the matter of a neighborhood loading zoning request that would be located in front of the Chain Theatre (312 W. 36th St.). The TPC then conducts a discussion of bicyclists using sidewalks–a topic expcted to draw many members […]
TEXT BY SCOTT STIFFLER, PHOTOS BY BrakeThrough Media | Throughout the pandemic period, hibernation was never an option for Meatpacking. The neighborhood’s Business Improvement District kept on taking care of business as usual (keeping the area clean, for starters) while mindful of what could be done while in incubation and enaction modes. The results, so […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | A 30-year-old male criminal recidivist—known to the 10th Precinct as an individual who exhibits signs of emotional distress—was arrested again on Tuesday, April 25, nearly six hours after a violent incident inside Rainbow Station. The adult store’s 203 Eighth Ave. address (btw. W. 20th & 21st Sts.) makes it part of […]
UPDATE: The designation matter discussed in this article has been scheduled for a discussion and vote on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) is following through on expected protocol, following an action taken at their February 14 meeting. There, on a day an outside observer […]
BY MICHAEL MUSTO | One-person shows are among my least favorite types of theater because they can verge on glorified lectures instead of real drama. Without various characters popping up to act out scenes as they occur, the one-person show usually resorts to an actor simply looking out at the audience and telling you about […]