BY CHARLES BATTERSBY with photos by NYCC staff & passersby unless noted | Over the last 20years it has been a joke at Comic Con that the comics themselves were becoming increasingly irrelevant. Movies, TV shows, and video games adapted from comic books have made the print comics a mere side hustle for superheroes. The […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | When Chelsea’s High School of Fashion Industries opened the doors to its nearly 1,600 students on Mon., Oct. 4, the vocational school with a 95 percent math proficiency score found itself contemplating some embarrassing numbers, and cooperating in an NYPD investigation that, nearly a week later, remains with no publicly announced […]
AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR | Over the years, for a number of reasons, I’ve written quite a bit of material about Halloween. I worked for much of the 2000s for a marvelous website called, and we were famous for our “Two Months of Halloween.” Every September and October, all content on the site was […]
TEXT & PHOTOS BY JOEY DAYTONA | I’d been working in Midtown when the virus hit (03/03/2020). I saw a guy on the subway sneeze into his hand and then touch the seat. I had that unsettling feeling that this would not end well. I was also determined to get a car and drive […]
TEXT BY INGE IVCHENKO with PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE LONDON TERRACE TENANTS ASSOCIATION AND OTHERS, AS NOTED | On behalf of the London Terrace Tenants Association (LTTA) Board, we want to thank all of you who stopped by Saturday, September 25’s 29th Annual London Terrace Street Fair. It was a gorgeous, picture perfect day in the […]
BY MICHAEL MUSTO | The New York Film Festival is back through October 10, with in-person screenings, serving up a treasure trove of cinematic art pieces culled from the esoteric minds of international filmmakers. Just like last year’s fest opened with Nomadland—which went on to win three Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actress (Frances […]
Thursday, September 30, 6:30pm via Zoom: The Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen Land Use Committee Meeting | Although every item on the agenda is akin to catnip for policy wonks of all stripes, it’s Agenda Item I that promises to be the big draw of the night. That Item will see the New York City Department […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | A quarter century ago—a little more than 12 years before a contestant nicknamed “Porkchop” became the first of her kind to “sashay away”—Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood was dotted with well over a dozen gay watering holes. Long gone bars with names like Splash, Rawhide, Champs, and G Lounge were the immobile mobile […]
BY MICHAEL MUSTO | In May, when a lot of venues in post-vaccination New York City were reopening, I noticed a burst of renewed glee in socializing. After such a long lockdown, people were understandably thrilled to be face to face again and they got right back into it as if it had never been […]
FEATURED EVENT OF THE WEEK | Saturday, September 25, 10am-5pm: The Return of the Annual London Terrace Street Fair| Nothing can stop this annual rain or shine event–except the two times when something did: In 2001 because of 9/11, and last year during the danger and uncertainty of COVID-19. Having observed the landscape since the vaccine […]