This Week in Chelsea: June 7-13, 2021

This Week in Chelsea: June 7-13, 2021

  Saturdays and Sundays in June: Show Up, Kids! performed in English and Spanish | Following a critically acclaimed, two-year run in theaters around the world, and the 12-month online live run during lockdown, Peter Michael Marino’s interactive Show Up, Kids! is back. But its creator is not. Chelsea resident Marino has cast Denisse Estefany […]

Little Island Shines When It Rains

Little Island Shines When It Rains

Little Island—the public park hovering over the Hudson, whose controversial construction you can read about elsewhere—gained instant “West Side Destination” status after demand during last week’s opening days compelled an expansion of the hours during which visitors must arrive with timed entry tickets. The unannounced are able to access the park from its 6am opening […]

Memorial Day, From the Civil War to Tulsa

Memorial Day, From the Civil War to Tulsa

BY ARTHUR SCHWARTZ | There is an irony that this year’s Memorial Day falls on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre, one of the most horrific events of racial violence in the post-Civil War history of the United States, and until recently, one of its most forgotten. (In part, we have Donald Trump to thank for re-awakening interest, […]

Erik Bottcher is Assembly Member Richard Gottfried’s Choice for City Council District 3

Erik Bottcher is Assembly Member Richard Gottfried’s Choice for City Council District 3

BY SCOTT STIFFLER |The Election 2021 candidate whose weekly Community Cleanup events inspire locals to blanket neglected parts of their neighborhood with brush and broom work just expanded the sweeping scope of his support. In a May 25 press release first seen by Chelsea Community News, New York State Assembly Member Richard Gottfried said it […]

Another Union Endorsement for Council District 3 Candidate Schwartz

Another Union Endorsement for Council District 3 Candidate Schwartz

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | In the Election 2021 candidate’s quest for a vote of confidence from organized labor, no asset tracks quite like a stellar track record. Aspiring New York City Councilmember Arthur Schwartz has spent decades as the courtroom advocate of choice for labor, tenants, the disabled, and movement organizations. His presence, and victories, […]

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