BY MARK NIMAR | Cycle 9 of NYC’s annual Participatory Budgeting process commenced last Sunday, with a neighborhood meeting at Chelsea Green. Located at 140 W. 20th St. (btw. 6th & 7th Aves.), the recently opened micropark was created, in part, with funds from its win as the top vote-getter of Cycle 4. Participatory Budgeting […]
The 27th Annual London Terrace Street Fair was a smashing success. Friends, neighbors, and visitors from around the world leisurely traversed the length of West 24th Street, between 9th and 10th Avenues in Manhattan, shopping for a few things to beautify the home, or just a memento of the day. There were vendors of arts, crafts, clothing […]
BY ALLEN OSTER | It was a beautiful fall day on Tues., Sept. 24, for the official reopening of Clement Clarke Moore Park (aka Seal Park), which had been closed since July 2018 for renovations. The NYC Parks Department completed the work on time—and to the great satisfaction of all park users. The extensive renovations […]
BY DONATHAN SALKALN | At a Wed., Sept. 18 town hall held in the auditorium of the elementary school PS33 (281 9th Ave. at W. 26th St.), well over 100 residents of Robert Fulton, Elliott-Chelsea, and Harborview public housing were presented with an alternative to a concept by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) […]
PHOTOS AND TEXT BY CHRISTIAN MILES | “We have not taken to the streets, sacrificing our education, for the adults and politicians to take selfies with us and tell us that they really, really admire what we do. We are doing this to wake the leaders up. We are doing this to get them to act. […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Tin Pan Alley is globally recognized as the birthplace of American popular music—and for decades, preservationists have sought its protection. Two upcoming events offer the public a chance to dive deep into Tin Pan Alley’s history, and become involved in the effort to see this site of significance remain intact. Part […]
BY WINNIE McCROY | A standing room only crowd gathered in the auditorium of The LGBT Center (208 W. 13th St.) on Mon., Sept. 16, for “Stop Violence in the Sex Trades Act” teach-in. Sex work advocates joined elected officials, to discuss S6419/A8230, the country’s first legislation introduced to decriminalize the sex trade. “We cut […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The sky’s the limit, when you get in on the ground floor of Chelsea Chew—the Greenwich Village-Chelsea Chamber of Commerce (GVCCC) month-long September event that offers those with a hunger to save a little dough special discounts and promotions, courtesy of food purveyors throughout Chelsea. It’s a simple as walking into […]
BY PUMA PERL | Photographer and artist Marcia Resnick has historically demonstrated her ability to turn people inside out in her portraits. She is a living embodiment of her documentation—and captured, on camera, the energy of the clubs, the cultural icons, the punk era, and, in her 2015 volume Punks, Poets & Provocateurs, the “New […]
BY DONATHAN SALKALN | Our lives are blessed in having other Americans grow up with big hearts, big muscles, and lots of guts, and then serve in New York City Fire and Police Departments. While I sleep in Chelsea, just feet from my carbon dioxide and smoke detectors and a three-lock apartment door, they are […]