Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Re: CB4 Proposal Counters NYCHA’s Vision for Demolition at Fulton Houses (news, July 19, 2019) The whole concept of selling off publicly owned properties to private developers in order to get cash to maintain other public properties is fundamentally wrong. What could be more shortsighted? Public housing, like public parks, should be maintained by taxpayers. […]

Trump Was The One Who Ruined My Fourth

Trump Was The One Who Ruined My Fourth

BY MAX BURBANK | It’s been about a week, and I still can’t figure it out. Because you know I love me some Fourth of July. I mean, it’s got two things I’m a total sucker for: Non-violent, brightly colored ordinance exploding in the sky, and the dramatic tension caused by the reverent celebration of […]

Private Developers to Carve Up Fulton Houses

Private Developers to Carve Up Fulton Houses

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | It’s hard to stand by and watch NYCHA (NYC Housing Authority) and Mayor de Blasio carving Fulton Houses’ six acres and 11 buildings like a prime beef steer that used to hang on hooks in the Meatpacking District, just south of the housing complex. The city government bemoans that $168 million […]

Letters and Reader Comments: June 2019

Letters and Reader Comments: June 2019

Dear Editor The construction of yet another upscale apartment building in Chelsea is not only inconveniencing people; it is also endangering them. On the northwest corner of 14th Street and 6th Avenue, the sidewalk has been closed. A narrow space in the street has been set aside for pedestrians and bikes (see photo). The pedestrian […]

Fulton Houses Tenants Organize Amid City’s Desire for Demolition, Development

Fulton Houses Tenants Organize Amid City’s Desire for Demolition, Development

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | This spring’s heavy rains on Chelsea can’t compare to the deluge of developers beating down the rooftops of our community’s vulnerable—but no one foresaw the City’s intention to allow a private developer to demolish two Robert Fulton Houses NYCHA buildings, in exchange for repair money and three towers made up of […]

Letters and Reader Comments: Week of May 13, 2019

Letters and Reader Comments: Week of May 13, 2019

Re: To Protect, Preserve Tin Pan Alley, Landmarking is a Must Dear Editor: I am writing regarding Ms. Greenspan’s recent article on Tin Pan Alley. The significance of Tin Pan Alley cannot be overstated. It represents the early days of American music, which has contributed to American life and culture in many ways. Jazz is an original African American […]

Sun Set, Sun Rise on Rent Regulations

Sun Set, Sun Rise on Rent Regulations

BY DONATHAN SALKALN (CRDC Executive Committee member) | As the sun sets on June 15 and the New York City’s rent laws expire, there is much optimism that not only millions of renters in the city, but also those upstate and on Long Island, will wake-up on June 16 to the good news that the […]