Today in Chelsea: Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Today in Chelsea: Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Community Board 4’s Transportation Planning Committee (TPC) Meeting | From more affordable housing to more schools, parks, hospitals, safe transportation, less noise, better business balance, and preserving the diversity of our neighborhood character, the 50 members of CB4 volunteer to represent the district’s residents, institutions, nonprofit and businesses’ common interests to City agencies, and bring […]

14th St. Priority Lanes Pilot Program Plan Proves Polarizing

14th St. Priority Lanes Pilot Program Plan Proves Polarizing

BY SAM BLEIBERG | Transit riders experienced their new normal for the foreseeable future, as the L Train began reduced service this past weekend. As riders to and from Chelsea scramble to find alternatives to travel across town, the fight over mitigation efforts on 14th St. continues. A group of elected officials representing Chelsea released […]

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