This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 29, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 29, 2020

Hudson Guild Presents “The Breathe Project” | This initiative is meant to foster dialogue about how to rectify racial injustice in our society. See the below flyer for details, and send jpeg images, ASAP, to Down to Earth Farmers Market: Saturdays in Chelsea | It’s one of those sure signs of spring: Down to […]

You’ve Seen Our Website, Now Visit Us Via Instagram

You’ve Seen Our Website, Now Visit Us Via Instagram

BY HIBA SOHAIL | Chelsea Community News is now on Instagram! Follow us for extra content, articles, and more ways to connect with Chelsea. Because COVID-19 shelter-in-place precautions have caused many of us to spend more time in front of our screens, we took the opportunity (better late than never!) to connect with our readers […]

Writing the Apocalypse: The Taste of Rebellion

Writing the Apocalypse: The Taste of Rebellion

“Writing the Apocalypse” is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a preface to this week’s  poem (which appears in her current book, “Birthdays Before and After,” Puma Perl notes: This week, I participated […]

New Broken Window Policy Adds To An Urgency of Exodus

New Broken Window Policy Adds To An Urgency of Exodus

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | The exodus of city residents has already begun. With the combination of working remotely now the norm, the fear of future deadly diseases, and the recent civil unrest that included widespread looting to vulnerable sections of New York City, including Chelsea, people are moving to the suburbs like never before. It […]

This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 22, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 6am-9pm: State and Federal Primary Elections | Many have taken advantage of Early or Absentee Voting–but today, it’s all about brick and mortar participation. Before you go, though, verify your poll site by visiting (COVID-19 has caused some poll sites to change). Once on site, you’ll find measures have been taken […]

Editorial Snapshot: Masks Only

Editorial Snapshot: Masks Only

BY DONATHAN SALKALN   Chelsea Community News is made possible with the help of our awesome advertisers, and the support of our readers. If you like what you see, please consider taking part in our GoFundMe campaign (click here). To make a direct donation, give feedback about the site, or send a Letter to the […]

Tom Judson Talks Turkey About His Trendy Tees

Tom Judson Talks Turkey About His Trendy Tees

Graphic Artist/Entrepreneur seems a fitting encore, when your resume already includes Broadway actor (Cabaret), musician (musical director for Charles Busch), composer (Whit Stillman’s Metropolitan), house flipper, political activist, author (Laid Bare) and, for a couple of years, adult film star “Gus Mattox.” It was during the building of Gus’ fan website that Tom Judson—the man […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Dreamers Dream

Writing the Apocalypse: Dreamers Dream

“Writing the Apocalypse” is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic.   Dreamers Dream | By Puma Perl Every day is beautiful, proving again that life does not care, it has a mind of its […]