Spotlight on Small Businesses: DANA BLAIR DESIGNS

Spotlight on Small Businesses: DANA BLAIR DESIGNS

Spotlight on Small Businesses DANA BLAIR DESIGNS 112 West 17th Street Hours: Monday-Saturday, 12pm-7pm and Sun., 12pm-6pm Online: Email: Phone: 516-815-5324 TEXT, QUESTIONS & PHOTOS BY JOANNE ADLER SINOVOI | I was walking down West 17th Street when the sign for a jewelry store caught my eye. So I walked in to have a […]

West Side Community Fund Welcomes Grant Applicants, Jan. 31-March 10

West Side Community Fund Welcomes Grant Applicants, Jan. 31-March 10

BY SCOTT STIFFLER with ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY EILEEN STUKANE | Last year, when the West Side Community Fund emerged from a pandemic-era period of relative inactivity, it did so with an expanded roster of financers, an expansive area of coverage, and a reconsideration of what they could, and would, fund. The result: Fifteen grant recipients […]

Postcards From the Side of the Road

Postcards From the Side of the Road

BY JOEY DAYTONA | Lots of things in Michigan felt too big to me. Many of the roads are large enough to be comfortable for semi-trucks to drive on without much effort. Whereas here “back east” we had a smaller, denser scale of building and development so that you would, on occasion, see a group […]

Penn South Dog Run Closing Soon: New Leash on Life Nearby?

Penn South Dog Run Closing Soon: New Leash on Life Nearby?

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Taking its lead from a letter generated late last year by the Waterfront, Parks, & Environment (WPE) committee of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4), the board’s full membership voted earlier this month to recommend immediate closure of the Penn South Dog Run—a recommendation the letter’s recipient, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation […]

100+ More Fab Drag Queen and Drag King Names!

100+ More Fab Drag Queen and Drag King Names!

BY MICHAEL MUSTO | Even though a lot of today’s drag queens steer away from punny names, I think it’s important to emphasize those types of appellations because they’re just so damned hilarious, and there’s so much history behind them too. Well, I’ve given you the best such noms de plumage before, and now I’ve […]

Landmarking Advocates: Damage from Roof Runoff Requires Rapid Repair

Landmarking Advocates: Damage from Roof Runoff Requires Rapid Repair

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Regarded by historians, architects, advocates, electeds, and City agencies alike as a structure of significance and a worthy candidate for landmark consideration, the unassuming property at 128 West 17th Street sits in stasis, no longer used by its owner, the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY). From 1860 to 1894, […]