Bringing the Arts Home, Until We Can Go Out Again

Bringing the Arts Home, Until We Can Go Out Again

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | The bad news: We’ve been shut in for months, and we’re feeling shack-wacky. The good news: If you can read this, you have access to an astonishing variety of dance, theater, music, and film—much of it free, right on your computer or phone. Presenters from all over the city, the country, […]

Will We Ever Get Over Our COVID-Era Fear of People?

Will We Ever Get Over Our COVID-Era Fear of People?

BY MICHAEL MUSTO | It’s usually a misbegotten idea to compare tragedies, but having been through other huge crises before the COVID pandemic, I find it inevitable. And I can’t shake the memory of how, after 9/11, New York became a traumatized but somehow much warmer place than before. In the wake of the horror […]

10th Precinct Responds to Chelsea Looting Non-Responsiveness

10th Precinct Responds to Chelsea Looting Non-Responsiveness

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | “I would tell them that I understand what they’re feeling, that it’s a perfectly valid response to the way the NYPD responded that night,” said Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) Chair Lowell Kern, regarding the anger and abandonment felt by Chelsea residents who watched as businesses, including Wine on Nine (177 […]

Area BIDs Rise to Challenge of COVID-19 Realities

Area BIDs Rise to Challenge of COVID-19 Realities

BY HIBA SOHAIL | Business Improvement Districts are tasked with funding projects within their boundaries—and more often than not, these are projects that merchants and community members deem inadequately performed by the City. With the advent of COVID-19, many BIDs saw their public programming halted due to the necessities of social distancing. BIDs in Manhattan […]

This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 8, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 8, 2020

June Committee Meetings of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) | Each CB4 meets monthly, which serve as a prelude to matters discussed, when CB4 holds its full board meeting  on the first Wednesday of the month. On this week’s calendar: Wednesday, June 10, 6:30pm, the Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen Land Use Committee meets. On their agenda: Planning […]

CB4 Gets Real, in the Virtual Realm

CB4 Gets Real, in the Virtual Realm

BY HIBA SOHAIL | For the second consecutive month, COVID-19’s social distancing precautions compelled Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) to hold their monthly full board meeting in the digital realm, via Zoom. The Wednesday, June 3 meeting started with a somber statement about white privilege. CB4 Chair Lowell Kern told those in attendance that not […]

Local Electeds Tackle a Disaster of Epic Proportions

Local Electeds Tackle a Disaster of Epic Proportions

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | For well over 40 days and 40 nights, a disease rained down upon New York City, like no other pandemic in memory. Amidst the downpour, there wasn’t a simple solution, such as loading our elders and vulnerable onto an ark and sailing them off to safety. It has been a relentless […]

Guest Opinion: Taking On Injustice in the State Legislature

Guest Opinion: Taking On Injustice in the State Legislature

BY NEW YORK STATE SENATOR BRAD HOYLMAN | I want to make sure you hear directly from me about the steps we’re taking in the State Legislature to combat police harassment and racial discrimination. The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis reminds us all of the police brutality directed towards Black people, who are three […]

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