Knowledge is power. These free forums, workshops, and clinics offer NYC tenants the chance to access helpful tools and information. Friday, January 10: HSTPA of 2019: International Forum | Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer invites you to learn more about the recent changes to the rent laws and how to utilize the tools and information […]
BY DONATHAN SALKALN | As developers re-envision Chelsea and the rest of New York City as an architectural wonderland, attracting well-to-do residents and families, along with many foreign investors, there is one eye-sore that is hard to erase from their blueprints—the homeless. “Homelessness went up 23 percent under Rudolph Giuliani. It went up another 70 […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | It’s the kind of thing they write songs about: Late last year saw the longtime efforts of music lovers, history buffs, and preservationists rewarded, as the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) voted unanimously for the landmark designation of five buildings connected to the birthplace of American popular music. The […]
BY ALLEN OSTER | The holiday season was once again celebrated in Chelsea’s Clement Clarke Moore Park, which was closed in 2018 for a much-needed upgrade. Residents came out to welcome Christmas and Chanukah 2019, in two joyous neighborhood events. On Sat., Dec. 14, neighbors gathered to decorate and light the Christmas tree donated to […]
BY DONATHAN SALKALN | During this holiday season, we should all be proud that our community is not only a special place for stuffing stockings hung by the chimney with care, but also a pocket full of warmth for the needy. The forgotten are never forgotten in Chelsea—and for many, Chelsea is their home. A […]
From caroling to candlelight services to the celebration of shopping local to a local canine celebrity, Chelsea’s been in full holiday spirit mode–and we’ve got the pictures to prove it. Chelsea Community News is made possible with the help of our awesome advertisers, and the support of our readers. If you like what you […]
The West 400 Block Association (21st, 22nd, 23rd Sts.) invites one and all to celebrate the first candle lighting, at their annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting event. The story of Chanukah will be told by New York State Assembly Member Richard Gottfried. Bring goodies to share! For more info, email the West 400 Block association, via The […]
There are enforceable standards to protect you from winter’s bitter cold—as Chelsea’s 10th Precinct of the NYPD reminded us, in a public safety-minded message sent via Twitter. We’re passing it along. Follow the 10th Precinct on Facebook, via #NYPD10PCT and on Twitter, via @NYPD10Pct. For more info, click here. The 10th Precinct tweeted: “If the […]
BY CHARLES BATTERSBY | Balletomanes tend to roll their eyes at The Nutcracker Suite—but because it takes place during a Christmas party, no one can resist the allure of this seasonal classic. Some people even see it multiple times a year. New York City has more productions of it than you can shake a candy […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | It was night of fond farewells and new beginnings, at this year’s final full board meeting of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4). Held on Wed., Dec. 4 at the Hudson Guild Elliott Center (441 W. 26th St.), the board elected a slate of new officers, causing outgoing CB4 Chair Burt Lazarin […]