Legacy Leaver: Assembly Member Richard Gottfried, NYS’s Longest-Serving State Legislator, Not Seeking Re-Election

Legacy Leaver: Assembly Member Richard Gottfried, NYS’s Longest-Serving State Legislator, Not Seeking Re-Election

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Besting his Golden Anniversary on the job with an additional go around the sun and one more to follow, New York State (NYS) Assembly Member Richard N. Gottfried sprang a December Surprise on the voting members of Manhattan’s 75th Assembly District, in a Dec. 13, 2021 press release announcing the longest-serving […]

This Week in Chelsea: Week of December 27, 2021-January 2, 2022

This Week in Chelsea: Week of December 27, 2021-January 2, 2022

In This Week’s “THIS WEEK IN CHELSEA” In Order of Appearance: 10th Precinct Community Council Meeting / Interwoven / Chelsea Community Church Candlelight Carol Service / Hudson Guild Gallery Exhibit      Wednesday, December 29, 7pm via Zoom: Final 10th Precinct Community Council Meeting of 2021 | This Wednesday, the citizen-run 10th Precinct Community Council will convene, for the December version of […]

Editorial Snapshot: Happy Holidays

Editorial Snapshot: Happy Holidays

Editorial Snapshot: Happy Holidays By Donathan Salkaln     Chelsea Community News is made possible with the help of our awesome advertisers, and the support of our readers. If you like what you see, please consider taking part in our GoFundMe campaign (click here). To make a direct donation, give feedback, or send a Letter to […]

Usher Us Into a World of Peace (holiday season thoughts and wishes from Lisa Ruimy Holzkenner)

Usher Us Into a World of Peace (holiday season thoughts and wishes from Lisa Ruimy Holzkenner)

Dear Chelsea Community: May the divine spirit of the holiday season, its gleaming rainbow colors merry and bright, the beauty of the sunset hours, twinkling immortal stars and shining moon be our guiding lights as we vanquish darkness. Let the bells ring and children sing sublime words of prayer, rebounding all over the globe until […]

Old Fogey Traps To Avoid, From One Who Knows

Old Fogey Traps To Avoid, From One Who Knows

  BY MICHAEL MUSTO | As someone of a certain age who’s fallen into old fogey traps myself, I am here to advise other not-exactly-young people on how to avoid embarrassing yourself. It’s great to exude the wisdom, knowledge, and class of maturity, but when you slip into “Get off my lawn” mode, it really […]

Trocks’ Trove at the Joyce: Timely and Timeless, Sublime and Ridiculous 

Trocks’ Trove at the Joyce: Timely and Timeless, Sublime and Ridiculous 

NOTE: Due to “break-through COVID-19 cases detected within the company,” all scheduled performances through January 2 have been cancelled. Click here for more information, including ticket holder options. BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | Issues of race make headlines, while issues of gender increasingly occupy the public mind. It used to be easy: Men were men and […]

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